進口氟塑料氣動隔膜泵(Imports of fluorine plastic pneumatic diaphragm pump)
產品概述(product description)
Pneumatic diaphragm pump is my company developed the third generation of pneumatic diaphragm pump, has a long life, do not pause, etc., it is not only the flow of the liquid pumped, but also easy to transport some of the flow of the medium, with self-priming pump, submersible pumps , shield pump, mud pump and impurity pump many advantages such as transportation machinery.
1, no irrigation water. Suction lift up to 5m. Head up to 70m. Outlet pressure ≥6bar.
2, flow spacious, good performance. It allows maximum particle diameter of 10mm. Pumping mud, when impurities, little wear and tear on the pump;
3, lift and flow can be adjusted by stepless valve opening degree (pressure adjustment between the 1-8bar);
4, since the diaphragm will completely separate the transport medium and pump running parts, working medium, the transmission medium does not leak out. So pumping toxic and flammable or corrosive the medium, it will not cause environmental pollution and danger to personal safety;
5, do not have electricity. Flammable and explosive places safe and reliable;
6, can be immersed in media work:
7, easy to use, reliable, open stop simply open and close the gas valve. Even a long time because of accident-free medium run or sudden stop pump will not be damaged. Once the overload, the pump will automatically shut down the earth, with self-protection performance, when the load is normal, also can start automatically;
8, simple structure, less wearing parts, simple pump structure, installation, easy maintenance, pumping medium does not come into contact with the valve, linkage and other moving parts, unlike other types of pumps due to the rotor, piston, gear wear leaving the performance of the blade and other parts of the gradual decline;
9, can transport more viscous liquid (viscosity 10,000 cps or less);
10, this pump without oil lubrication, even idling. Have no impact on the pump, which is characteristic of this pump.
【訂貨須知】 一、若訂貨前還未選定型號,請向我們提供您的使用參數:①產品名稱與型號 ②流量 ③揚程(m) ④口徑 ⑤電機功率(KW) ⑥轉速(r/min) ⑦電壓〔V〕 ⑧吸程(m) ⑨是否帶附件以便我們的為您正確選型 二、若已經由設計單位選定我公司的產品型號,請按型號直接向我司銷售部訂購; 三、當使用的場合非常重要或管路比較復雜時,請您盡量提供設計圖紙和詳細參數,由我們美國歐可專家為您審核把關。