Steam electromagnetic valve is made by the Deputy valve and main valve consisting of two parts guide type two opening valve electromagnetic valve. On the side the valves open and close to the main control valve on-off. According to the power which the switch state is different, can be divided into normally closed solenoid valve and the normally open solenoid
Inlet steam normally closed solenoid valve in power often position, vice valve closed, the main valve is open, when the electrical signal into the pilot valve coil, core activities by electromagnetic force sucking on open side valve, the main valve pressure in the cup quickly disappeared, medium pressure of the main valve cup holder, open the main valve port, the working medium hard negotiable. But when the signal disappears, the movable iron core reset, vice valve closed, the working medium self balancing hole into the valve cup, when the pressure is balanced, rely on the main valve spring, valve cup weight and medium pressure causes the valve cup downward, tight seal main valve port, valve was closed.
Steam electromagnetic valve in power down often when, by spring action, the Deputy valve port opened, the main valve flow. When the signal into the auxiliary valve coil, core activities by electromagnetism suction, vice valve closed, working medium through the balance hole into the valve cup, when the pressure is balanced, rely on the main valve spring, valve cup weight and medium pressure causes the valve cup downward, tightly sealed and the main valve port, valve is closed state. When the main valve is powered off, the electromagnetic force disappears, the Deputy valve is opened, the main valve pressure in the cup quickly disappeared, medium pressure of the main valve cup holder, open the main valve port, medium circulation, valve is in an open state.